Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Eating Disorder : Binge Eating
Binge Eating  Disorder is a disorder where people utilize food to please a range of emotions in order to handle them. People might binge when they experience any unfavorable emotion, such as anger, unhappiness, or depression. Another factor an individual may binge is shear dullness. Individuals have used food as a coping mechanism for so long that now that it is a practice to turn and make use of food to make them feel better. People do not understand the best ways to handle their "life" anymore without food. Binge Eating Disorder is the most typical of all eating conditions. It impacts about 25 million people.

When an individual binges, they generally experience some, if not all, of the following: eating an usually large amount of food, feeling a loss of control while eating, consuming food faster than the average individual, eating huge amounts of food even when they do not feel hungry, feeling better eating alone because the amount of food is usually large, and feelings of guilt, disgust, as well as becoming ashamed of themselves after a binge occurs.


Genetics plays a part in this condition. The tendency seems to run in households. But, the contribution of your genes comes into play only when you have other needs to binge.

Emotional hunger is the main cause of binge eating. According to some findings, more than 50 % of binge eaters suffer from some type of depression. Normally, patients are victims of frustrating emotional discomfort. Anxiety, dullness, anger, envy, pain and worry trigger episodes of overeating in some individuals. People with low self-worth, disturbed youth histories and lonesome lives are most susceptible to binging. What makes binge eating so powerful is the pattern it produces in the life of the individual.

Emotional Distress to Binge Eating to Guilt and to Psychological Distress

This cycle repeats constantly, like a tape gone bad.

Dieting is one of the biggest reasons for overindulging. A good majority of binge eaters have actually been yo-yo dieters for the better part of their lives. Yo-yo dieting ruins the fragile dietary balance within your body and causes strange eating habits. Initially, when natural appetite is curbed to a harmful extent, the body is not able to acknowledge it. Rather, you feel continually hungry. Also, when a person follows a restrictive diet plan for long periods, there is an undeniable backlash. Stiff control crashes and gives method to frenzied feeding. This feeding compensates for the psychological trauma and feelings of discontentment that the dieter felt when they could not eat properly.
Eating Disorder : Binge Eating Treatment


The majority of individuals engage in binge eating by eating more food than they could normally consume to reduce painful emotions. They make use of food as a security wall for comfort. If you are among those people who want to break down that wall, it is best to know what factors have led you to develop this disorder. Knowing what triggers binging can give a great indication which of the treatments is the best for you. Below are some of the binge eating treatments that a physician, psychiatrist or a health professional could prescribe you depending on the extent of your binge eating disorder (BED).

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional therapy is one of the most typical binge eating treatments that you can get. A professional nutritionist or dietician can help patients discover how to handle their weight effectively. Customized guidance and a meal strategy that provides a framework for dishes and food options (but not a stiff diet) are useful for most individuals. Nutritionists can also help individuals better understand how their eating disorders can create serious medical problems.

Drug Therapy

Drug therapy in the treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa should be used in combination with psychotherapy and nutritional therapy. Some well-known professional treatments for food disorder are: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Habits Therapy (DBT) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT).

It is intriguing to keep in mind that although the underlying principles and mechanisms for utilizing CBT and IPT as binge eating treatments are different, both methods reveal that they are similarly efficient in dealing with people with BED. This conclusion was reached when recent study disclosed that these 2 treatments substantially enhanced the self esteem of people who have BED and reduced their general psychopathology and frequencies of binging. Not just that, but the modifications they went through during the treatment were maintained after one year.

Selecting which treatments is ideal for an individual with BED should be assisted by a mindful review of the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy and factor to consider of the availability of skilled clinicians. Future study on important elements of the psychological approaches, combinations of pharmacologic and psychological treatment, and the best ways in which to match patients to specific treatment approaches are all necessary to improve your understanding of the effective management of BED. So pick from these various binge eating treatments and break down that wall victoriously. Take heart because you can confidently fight binge eating!

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